Updates and reports
Consumer Affairs Ministers renew commitment to protecting consumers, with an ambitious agenda for 2025
The Assistant Treasurer, Stephen Jones MP announced the 2025 Consumer Ministers Network policy priorities from their meeting on Tuesday 10 December 2024.
Consumer Guarantees and Supplier Indemnification under Consumer Law
The Treasury is seeking feedback on the design of proposed civil prohibitions and penalties for breaches of the consumer guarantees and supplier indemnification provisions of the Australian Consumer Law.
Albanese Government opens consultation on review of artificial intelligence and the Australian Consumer Law
The Hon Assistant Treasurer, Stephen Jones MP and Minister for Financial Services
Review of AI and the Australian Consumer Law
The Treasury is seeking views on whether the Australian Consumer Law remains suitable to protect consumers who use artificial intelligence (AI) and to support the safe and responsible use of AI by businesses.
Improving mandatory standards under the Australian Consumer Law – Decision Regulation Impact Statement
The Treasury released the Decision Regulation Impact Statement outlining proposed amendments to improve the regulatory framework around Australian mandatory safety and information standards.
Product safety regulation – exposure draft legislation
The Treasury is seeking views on on draft amendments to the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 to improve the flexibility and enforceability of product safety and information standards.
Australian Consumer Survey 2023
The third Australian Consumer Survey report was released on 15 December 2023.
Consumer Affairs Ministers committed to protecting consumers
The New South Wales Minister for Better Regulation and Fair Trading, the Hon Anoulack Chanthivong announced the 2024 Consumer Ministers Network policy priorities from their meeting on Friday 24 November 2023.